Animate to sell.
Sales again! I know you love to talk about it.
So often shied away from in health care and in particular chiropractic, but as I have said before, if you want to change a life you have to sell the idea. People must pay for your service to get the benefit of what you do. So, if you find yourself frustrated that people are not saying ‘yes’ to care, essentially if people are not buying, then this is for you.
I have discussed before the use of language in sales, and today I want to discuss the use of animation.
I remember Alf Tuner, a brilliant Thompson and radiology teacher back at school. He was a lovely man with a fascinating back story; however, he lacked animation. So much so that the monotone in his classes would send us all to sleep. Now granted radiology was not that interesting. But even at the bar when he recounted his stories of Vietnam, as interesting and they were, we soon lost interest as there was no animation to what he was saying.
Contrast this with the bloke who cuts my hedges. In my eyes boring work, and I have no idea about or interest in it, yes every time he comes round I am riveted by his conversations about conifers! Why, because he is so animated and interesting.
These two examples you should take note of when approaching your sales. People buy from people they like and trust. Animation in conversation breads likability. So here is how you can animate your Report of Findings to increase your sales potential.
The 4 P’s of animation:
- This is deepening your voice, and to be used when expressing a serious point. When you are explaining severity or the time taken for healing. Using a lower tone of voice catches the listeners ‘important’ attention.
- Heightened tone and a lighter voice gives an indication of excitement and hope. This is a great P to use when opening the report, to say how excited you are for the patient and how you think you can help them.
- Slowing down your conversation is key for the listener to hear and understand. Be sure to pause regularly, especially before and after you explain important points or ask questions. Allow the listener to catch up with you and hear what you are saying.
- Nuanced with the above is speeding up your talk. Do this for ‘filler’ sections or if you think the listener is losing attention. A speeding up of voice can bring someone back to the conversation.
Done well you will have the listener riveted on your report. Make sure you practice this so it becomes natural. And don’t just use it for your Reports, implement it in your table talk, your talks, and social life. You will be amazed.
With love,