Are you the solution?

We all know the healthcare system is failing and extrapolate that out, the health of humanity is failing. As chiropractors we are placed to make a change to that, you, yes you have the opportunity to influence that change.

Chiropractic is a healthcare profession of the truest sense, not a sick care profession but a health-care profession. Our role is to promote and improve health, chiropractic by definition is a natural approach to health and life. So as chiropractors what we have the potential to do is remarkable. We have the potential and knowledge to improve the true health of others, so they don’t become sick and if they do, to help them heal again.

So my question is, why after over 120 years of chiropractic, have we not managed to affect change?


This is the truth, there is a lack of leadership in our profession and no I am not talking about those that sit at the ‘top’. That is a conversation for another day. I am talking about you, I am talking about the individual practices, I am talking about chiropractors leading their communities.

This may be a difficult and honest read, but I want to encourage you to continue.

Are you really leading your community to a better life?

To answer that question let’s think about what leadership is? I believe it to have three core components:

1.       Example

2.       Vision

3.       Honesty

These three components make up leadership. So, I will ask you, are you leading in all of these three areas?

1.       Are you leading by example? Remember chiropractic is a natural health profession. Are you leading an example of natural health. Are you eating right or are you falling foul to bad foods and alcohol. Are you exercising daily and moving your body. Are you getting adjusted regularly and working on your mindset?
You see all of these I think you’ll agree are things we recommend to patients, but if we are not doing them for ourselves, our patients will see that.

“What you do speaks so loud, I can’t hear what you say”.


2.       What is your vision, where are you going? Do your team and your community know that. Do you have a clear future for natural health and the impact you want to have.
You must be clear and able to communicate this, to lead people in the right direction.


3.       And then once you have the above, are you holding integrity? Are you being honest? To your patients and to yourself. When you slip on your healthy habits, do you brush it under the rug or do you change. When a patient is obviously neglecting their health and expecting you to fix it, are you standing in your truth and being honest?


You can change your community, together we can change the world. But nothing will change unless we do.

So, my message to you this week is simple.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world”.

With love,


Tom WallerComment