Is it the strategy or the story that’s wrong?

I get it, your stuck, frustrated and thinking what’s the point… we have all been there. The first thing we do when we decide it is time to change is to look for a ‘new strategy’ a new way of doing things. This may be a new routine, a new coach, a new mentor, joining another gym or starting another business.

All of which have merit, but did you miss a step? Did you forget something?

Remember who the only person is who can do, create, manage, and thrive for you? Yep, you!

So what is the story you are telling yourself… are you still caught up in your old story of ‘too much’ and ‘not good enough’. The story that stopped your last venture and caused you to look elsewhere?

Chances are that you are stuck, you’re spinning the same story about yourself and wondering why you keep running into walls and why you just have ‘bad luck’.

Well, I am here to tell you to stop! Right now, stop and look at yourself, ask yourself what is the narrative going on in my brain, what is the story I tell myself about me. Is it that you tell yourself your fat, you won’t earn big money, employees won’t listen to you, your partner doesn’t love you? What is it?

It is time for a reset. Time for a change, and the only way we can really change and make whatever we choose to do next a success, is to change our story.

How do we do that?

State first. You know that silly jumping around and getting all hyped up. Yup! I want you to do that. Each morning, every morning.
First write down the story you want to have for yourself, what do you want to tell yourself.

It could be:

“I am fit and healthy.”
“I have a thriving and intimate relationship.”
“I have an abundance of money.”
“My business is thriving and opportunities come daily.”

What ever you choose, make a list of all the things you would love to hear.
Now we have to get into a state to believe it. This is where you find that piece of music that changes you, that excites you that awakens YOU. Really get into it, then find a mirror and go to work on telling yourself your new story.

Sounds crazy right, but if you do this for 30 days, every day with purpose, I promise you it will change you and it will work.
And if you can come back to me in a month and say that you honestly did this, and nothing changed… I will give you a free months coaching!

Do I really do this you ask? Yes, except instead of music, I am up and straight into a cold shower.

Good luck!

With love,


Tom WallerComment