The courage line.

As chiropractors we have a set of principles and a viewpoint of the world that is very different form most people. So much so that it is usually different from the regulators who we must attach to for our professional registration.

This can bring with it a lot of frustration for chiropractors and a lot of anxiety, worrying about what we can and can not say. For instance, some regulators frown on the use of ‘subluxation’, others discourage long term ‘wellness’ care and many discourage and even punish the promotion of a drug free lifestyle, especially when in comes to vaccines and natural immunity.

This incongruency in what many chiropractors know to be true and wish to share versus what they are told they can and cannot share, ultimately results in the chiropractor not reaching their full potential and more importantly it limits the benefit and service we give to our patients.

So what can we do? Now more than ever our patients need us to speak our truth about health and healing. They want the message of chiropractic that is drug free, natural, and lifelong. They are looking for leaders like you in their community to help them and champion health.

If that doesn’t spark a fire in your belly to stand up and be counted, I don’t know what will? The world is changing fast, and I’m not suggesting we stop it. But what we need to do is help humanity stay true to being human. To being connected, to being vital and living as humans should. Free from drugs, free from control, healthy, social, connected, and happy. This is what chiropractic is and what it stands for.

And here is how you can stand up for that change and champion that brighter world, without worry of repercussions from your regulator. And the answer is so much simpler that you may believe.

Lead by example.

You’ve all heard the saying “what you do speaks so loud I can’t hear what you say”.

And you might be thinking this advice is a little too simple, but I want you to pause with that thought. Take an inventory of your week just passed. Did you stay true to the principles of chiropractic. Do you live well with your thoughts, traumas, and toxins. Did you get adjusted?

It’s not enough to me a Monday to Friday chiropractor, get adjusted and then have a binge on the weekend. It’s not leadership when you tell your patients to move more, drink more water, eat better, and get adjusted regularly, if you are not doing the same.

Can you honestly say you gave your all this week? Not to your patients, but to yourself? And this is not the softly-softly self-love. This is true and honest self-care, respecting your body, what you read and eat and how you move.

Some of you may be offended by this or inspired by this, but regardless, if things are to change and you want to champion true chiropractic and real health for the world, it is not about what you say. It is all about what you do.

You become a chiropractor for a reason, to serve and change lives. It is time to do that, as well as I know you can.

With love,


Tom Waller1 Comment