When it’s all about you, you will fail you.

It is so easy in life to get caught up in the ‘why me’ or ‘why have I not got that or this yet’? … Trust me I am speaking from experience. And every time I catch myself, I have to remember one thing.

It’s not about me!

Ghanhi said “to find true happiness, one must lose themselves in the service of others”.

This is true not only for your emotional wellbeing and happiness but for your business. When your focus is solely on you, on what you have to gain and get, you will fail. Every time!

The reason for this is simple. As you’ve heard me say before, a business exists for one reason only, that is to serve and solve a problem for the customer. So long as you can solve a problem for someone, which by the way, as a chiropractor you do every day. Then you should be nothing but thriving in business and in life.

So, reflect on this as you move through this week. Are you focused on yourself, your gain and your numbers? Or are you focusing on your people, their issues and solving their problems in life and health?

Just remember, ‘you don’t need patients, they need you’. And how do you make all this tangibly possible I hear you ask?

Here are my top 3 tips to turn from ‘all about me’ to all about them:

1.       Find an inspiration each pre shift.

Before the start of each shift, have every team member identify someone in that day who inspires them. Someone who has made a great change and committed to care.

2.       Cast a wide vision.

Your vision and goal may be to see 500/week or own a super yacht. But what does that really mean? Those 500 people you may wish to adjust. What is the impact you want to have, how will their lives be shaped and changed by your service. Think each day about the positive impact and far-reaching benefits of your success.

3.       Do something for nothing.
If you want to get back to caring, then give. I choose to give a few complementary adjustments in a week, or free coaching calls to people struggling. Services I could charge a lot of money for. Simply giving always refocuses my intent.

I am excited to hear about your vision and see you flourish in service.


With love


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