When’s it going to change.

Trying to grow a practice is tough. Finding the right person to follow and learn from is even harder.

So many coaches and programs promising a quick fix. Do any of them really work?


Growing a practice is tough for a reason, and the reason is that it takes work, and a lot of it.
For sure you can learn the scripts, you can get paid adverts, someone can do your website. But at the end of the day, it’s on you.

What do I mean by that?

Hard work requires one thing, energy! So what energy are you bringing to the work.
I often ask myself when I look at all the people I’ve coached, why did she make it when he didn’t? How did he see more people than her? 

And what it inevitably comes down to is what energy did that person bring to the table? How did they show up for themselves first?

So, my question this week is how are you showing up? How are you investing in your energy. How are you being the epicentre of energy for your practice to be able to do the hard work and lead others?

As chiropractors you should know how to do that, it’s basic health and wellness 101. 
But if you had to rate yourself 0-10, how healthy and energetic are you?

Are you exercising, and I mean really working out?

Are you in shape so every time you get naked, you’re proud of what you see?

Are you eating right for energy and longevity? 

Are you saying no to temptation, alcohol, binge eating?

Are you reading uplifting and educational material?

Are you hanging out with winners?

No, you don’t have to be perfect, but you must be on a journey. Each day better than the last.

If you really want to achieve your goals and win, you’ll realise that winning and brining the energy is so much more fun and losing and falling behind every day.

So this week I say with love, take a look in the mirror. What can you do to level up your life, how can you bring more energy, and how can you do the work and win?

With love,


Tom Waller1 Comment