You’re always being judged.

I know, you might like to think we live in a fair and inclusive society, one where we are free to express our views, opinions, and one where we are not judged.

But the fact is, you are always being judged. I mean just take a look at yourself, the last time you saw a kid misbehaving, did you judge the parents. When you saw the youth with a hood up in a dark alley did you feel some anxiety, the last time you saw someone park in a disabled bay without an obvious disability, did you question their ethics?

We all judge, it is human nature, yes we should try to do less. But so much as you are judging others, they are judging you.

So here is the kicker for chiropractors. News Flash! Chiropractic is a ‘health’ care profession, promoting natural health. Alongside adjustments it is common for chiropractors to talk about the Three Ts. Thoughts, Traumas, Toxins. Essentially the three causes of subluxation and ill health.

So there is the average chiropractor preaching to his or her practice about eating right, mindset and exercising. Yet they can’t even look in the mirror and say they do that themselves.

And I wanted to start the year with this as it is an easy time to change, the turning of a page and the commitment to something new.

You are being judged each day by your patients whether you like it or not. And if you have your New Patient dialled and your Report of Findings script spot on, but people are not taking care, maybe ask yourself why?

Are you the example of what you say? Are you eating right, exercising, thinking well. Or are you making the same excuses as everyone else?

Paul Chek said it best “if you can’t practice in your underwear, you shouldn’t be practicing at all”. And I agree. I am not expecting you to be perfect, but as your coach I am going to challenge you to be better, become great, be that inspiration to many.

And while you may say, it’s easy for me to say while I am in shape. I get up at 0350hr everyday to get my workout done, so I can be with my family, then commit to my work. No, you do not need to do the same but here is the simple hack to make it all possible.

Do these three things every day, and your life will grow beyond measure, they are so simple you cannot fail.

1.       Do one thing to improve your health.
Every day, be it exercise or a clean diet.

2.       Do one thing to improve your relationships.
Spend time, make love, gift.

3.       Do one thing to improve your business.
Something that actually moves it forward, not the to do list.

It seams so simple, but consistently done, you will predictably win.

If you need help figuring out the three commitments, work with me one on one, and we will make it happen.

With love,



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