Let Your Unique Gift Shine!

Following on from the previous blog about values, you may have identified that a lot of what you do and strive for are social idealisms and not necessarily your true gifts.

Quick recap:
Remember our values are our core, who we are and what we stand for. Social idealisms are what we have been led to believe is us. So, if you catch yourself saying ‘I should’ or ‘I must’ when it comes to your values… it is not YOUR value. It is someone else’s, a social idealism.

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Check out the values blog for more details.

Your ‘gift’, is your talent. It is what you were born to do, what only you are good at (now I know there may be someone else on the planet doing exactly what you want to do, they may even be a lot better than you… BUT they are not you, and it is YOU that the world needs to see).

The saying there is someone for everyone is so true, not just in relationships and love, but also in business and service.
Your gifts are usually the things that scare you. The things that once you get going, you find yourself in flow and loving it, and not caring what others think. However, it is the thing that to get going and do is sometimes the hardest part.

We say that your gift lies right behind your biggest fear, and the courage to step into it is the most liberating place of all.

For this we want you to really define what it is that YOU are good at and what it is that YOU enjoy doing. If money and the opinions of others really were no object, what would you do?

Try this exercise to determine your real gifts.

Ask yourself these questions and answer them, on your own with courage and honestly, do not over think your answer, say what comes to your mind (from your heart) even if it scares you a little (or a lot).

Q. If I could do anything in this world I would …

Q. People always tell me that I am GREAT at … (even if it doesn’t make sense to you).

Q. I would love to be able to make a living doing …

Q. I am damn good at …

Q. I really feel alive and energetic when I …

How was that? Hard or easy? However you found it, don’t worry because it is you. These are the areas you need to lean into.

They should match somewhat with your values, completed in the previous exercise. They probably scare you a little, you may have even realised you are walking down the wrong path completely. Whatever it is, and however you feel, we are here to help you through it.

Now comes the work, moving in the right direction to make these Gifts come true.

It all comes down to one word now, that is ‘congruency’.

Are you aligning your daily actions with your values and your gifts? What is needed to make this possible is self-integrity. Keeping the promises to yourself.

As care givers, healers and people who want to help others, we seldom prioritise ourselves and as such we lack a little self-integrity.

Stay tuned for our future blog where we will talk you through what is require to implement and maintain your self-integrity.

With love and be inspired,


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