Are you recovering?
This week I want to talk about YOU, not about your business, your practice, your investments or adjusting skill. Because it goes without saying, that without YOU, all of that would fall apart.
So my question to you is, are you recovering? I load that question at you as too many of us wait to recover, yes I meant to say that, we wait to recover. I mean surely you have to get to a place where you need to recover before actually doing so, therefore it is logical to wait.
Well, this is just like waiting for pain to do something about it, waiting for the fire alarm to go off, waiting to get fat before starting the diet.
I’ve been looking into recovery a lot since I started to use a Whoop watch device that measures my HRV and my recovery. HRV meaning Heart Rate Variability, essentially how well my body is functioning. The more I look into recovery, the more I realise it is about a constant state of being not an action.
This said, what are you doing daily to ‘precover’ what are you doing daily to function at your best so that your body is always able to recharge should it become depleted?
My Top 3 tips for you on precovery:
1. Sleep – good sleep is essential, it starts the morning before, not the hour before. Wake up when you say you will, don’t lie in. Get fresh air straight away, I like to step outside barefoot. Hydrate immediately, do not look at blue light (get an alarm clock, not your phone). Take a few minutes to do some gratitude and then get on with you day.
I mean this is really simple stuff but are you doing it?
And then of course before bed, make sure the lighting reduces an hour before, put your damn phone away, speak to your loved ones, plan the next day and take time to relax.
2. Keep your sugar load low and consistent – I am so guilty of doing the opposite when stressed or working on a big project. Sugar and coffee. But this slams my recovery and precovery and is a spiralling disaster. You know how to eat well, respect yourself and do it.
3. Plan - plan your day the night before, review your day the evening of. Set every aspect of it up, so you reduce the procrastination and time wasting, you also reduce your mental fatigue by simply following the plan. Please see my previous blog on the 4 Ps to help with this.
So there you have it, simple home truths to help you maximise your time.
We are nearly in February, what have you go to show for it?
Have a blessed day.
With love