Are you taking enough time off?

There seems to be two camps in chiropractic, those who take no time off and work, work, work. And then the others who take lots of time off and hardly ever get in the rhythm of work.

I’ve done both, trust me. When I was first an associate I was off left, right, and centre. Always travelling and then wondering why my practice never grew. If this is you, reality check! It’s because you’re never there!!

Then I did the opposite, 7 years NO holiday, unless it was attached to work. And granted I grew a great practice from it, but my social life tanked.

The reason I bring this up, is I am currently on the second day of a 2-week holiday. Well one and a half weeks off, then a few days in the States to speak.

It has taken me a long time to pluck up the courage to take two weeks off. I love to work, much to my detriment and I find time off, a waste of time. But I have a daughter now, and life changes with that perspective.

So, this week I wanted to simply share this with you for two reasons. Most importantly, for those who work all the time, this is your permission to STOP. To take time.
And then for those who are always off and perpetually frustrated with your lack of success, a sharp reminder that you must earn your stripes to wear them.

My best advice to all young and aspiring chiropractors or those who are setting up their own place. FORGET the holidays! Yes, I said it, this is your time to work, dedicate, learn, and grow. Put the time and effort in now and something remarkable will happen. The work will not appear to be work anymore. You will enjoy the process, as well as the financial luxuries afforded to you.

And when you reach this point, STOP. Only when you reach this point, however. Do not kid yourself that you did 6 months grafting and you ‘deserve’ it. You deserve is when your practice is thriving and when you do take an extended time off, you have built such a good patient base that they will be waiting when you come back. Not that your practice falls apart every time you go away.

So, there you have it, short and to the point. I’m off to play with my family.

Happy holidays, with love.


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