Quit Sitting on the Fence

Goals are great and I love setting them but so often we get excited, we get ‘pumped’ set a goal and then wake up the next day and put it off…

We sit on the fence of indecision and lack of productivity. All around us there are people, leaders, coaches, and experts telling us to be super clear on our vision and dream big. All of which is great, and I love, but then what!

If you are anything like me, you have been there done that and been there again to do it some more. With what to show for it?

Success and dreaming big and clear visons only work if you actually get off the fence and put in the work. So, this week I’m calling you out…

I’m asking you, what have you put off?
Why are you sitting on the fence?
What is keeping you in the land of procrastination when you deserve to be in the sea of prosperity?

So take this as my boot to your bum, but don’t shy away, don’t let the emotion of reading his put you off. Let it motivate you, let if fuel the fire in your belly to actually do more.

And as my gift to you, here my top 4 ways I structure my day and my life for action, that leads to success.


1.       Audit your time.
How are you choosing to spend you time, is it Netflix, it is scrolling on social media or reading pointless books? Where are you sacrificing your valuable time?

2.       Structure your day.
Plan everything! From when you will go to the gym, to when you will sit and write that email sequence to when you need to leave for work. It is easy just to have ‘work’ scheduled into your diary but nothing else. And as a consequence, nothing else gets done.

3.       Create buffers.
Make sure amongst the planning that you put in buffer time, this allows the inevitable meeting to overrun, traffic to slow you or a comfort break. Take that pressure off with buffers and you will be so much more productive.

4.       Quit half working.
How many times have you checked your phone today? When it is time to work, do just that, work. Leave the phone next door, remove the distractions, give yourself a specific allocated time and go to it.

When you structure your day right you will be surprised how much time you actually have and you will feel the euphoria of productivity.

So come on, jump off that fence, pull the splinters out your bum and let’s start creating that dream life you have always wanted.

With love


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