This will ruin your business.

There is a very superficial stat touted in chiropractic, and that is our ‘satisfaction rate’. Chiropractors proudly proclaim 99% satisfaction rates and enjoy using this against the mainstream medical approach.

Focusing on this satisfaction statistic will ruin your business.

Let’s face it, you don’t have 99% satisfied patients. If you did, you’d have a 99% conversion rate and an abundance of lifetime patients.

Let’s consider what a truly satisfied patient would do? First, they’d convert, then get results, then stay in care for life, and WITHOUT promoting, leave a 5-star review.

Do all your patients do this?

No, most leave at some point, they decide to not start or inevitably stop care.

The question you must ask, is to these people who stop care, “why did you choose to stop?”

Understanding why someone does not start or why someone leaves care is the only way we can truly improve our service. It is where we plug the holes in our business, and how we create greater satisfaction and growth.

So, stop kidding yourself, of course you’re doing well for a lot of people, but why are some not sticking around. Survey them, humble yourself, and make a change.

With love,


Tom WallerComment