Are you really in the business of changing lives?

Or are you just pleasing people?

As chiropractors we often skate thin ice wanting to ‘please our patients’ so they decide to take care and indeed continue care longer term. We are cautious of our recommendations so as not to offend anyone, scare someone financially, and to appease the regulators! (GCC in the UK).

However, this people pleasing is damaging your reputation, your results, and your integrity.

The world is waking up to the fakeness and the lies of the medical industries and big pharma. People are increasingly frustrated at long wait times and no real care for their problems.

And what they are ultimately craving is the truth. And yes, they can handle the truth!

People want to know what’s going on, how long it will really take to get better, and trust someone who is open and honest with this advice.

That person is you!

So, as you look at your people this week, and as you prepare to give your reports. Ask yourself, what is this really going to take?

In my experience, most cases take at least 6 months to get real life changing results. Most cases take multiple visits per week, with lots of education along the way.

How to deliver and service this is a topic for another day…

This week, hand on heart, as you write and deliver your reports. Choose to deliver the truth, with honesty and integrity. Let your patients know what it really takes, that’s all they’re asking for. And if they can, they will gladly pay you for help.

And please note, if they can’t afford it, then now simply is not their time. This is hard to hear sometimes, but you are not a charity. And conversely, despite what some may tell you, not everyone can afford care, or indeed want care. Focus on those who do and give them all you’ve got.

With love



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