What does it really take to perform at the highest level?

We have all heard about the examples of athletes who perform at the highest level, be it Michael Jordan or David Beckham (showing my age). All of them put in an extra ordinary amount of practice. And you know it takes practice to become great.

Becoming great is essential if you want  thriving practice, being able to set yourself apart from the rest will guarantee your success, so why wouldn’t you train to do that?

Well, I guess you are, you attend CPD and go on courses, I’ve seen many of you on my adjusting seminars, but my question today, is that really enough?

I see there being 4 main components to practice that makes success and these four components need to be action not only by yourself but all your team and with every process that you do.

1.       Absorb good content.
There is quite honestly so much crap out there, but interspersed within that are some real gems. My suggestion to you is to think about who you are gaining your knowledge and teachings from. The most obvious question to ask is ‘what is their track record’?
Have they achieved (in recent history) what you are aiming to do? If so, hang on every word. If not, walk away.

2.       Repetition.
It is not just good enough to attend one workshop or the odd seminar. Repetition is essential. Go to more workshops, join coaches ongoing groups (so long as they abide by point 1), and get around your colleagues and friends.

3.       Role play and practice.
This goes with the above point, but don’t just sit around and talk about technique or scripts, get into the hard work, the stuff you put off. Yes, role play. All too often we see this as awkward or our team pushes back on the idea. Lead by example, set the standard and do the work.

4.       Accountability.

Hold each other, your team and peers accountable to the above points, make a commitment to improve, lift each other up and praise the good work. But also, be honest and true in your feedback if it is not good enough let them know. It is the only way we get better.

If you read this and think ‘yes I need to do more’, now is the time to start. Do not coast through another year. It is time for a change. Train like a pro and live like one too.

With love,


Tom WallerComment