Can you ever clear the subluxation?
This was an interesting thought posed to me in an exclusive Aucuts interview with the incredible chiropractor Donald Francis. So interesting that I thought I would share my musings on it with you this week, and from that hopefully give you some confidence to stay the long course with difficult patients, and own in your understanding the need for lifetime chiropractic.
Here are the two main points to consider.
Your adjustment always corrects the subluxation.
We can argue here and swing our dicks around to argue who is better and what technique is best, but in my opinion, all adjustments correct subluxations. So long as they are specific and with intent.
A manipulation disguised as, or called an adjustment will not do the same. But if you keep in mind ‘less is more’, have a process to identify and then correct, your adjustment will work.
Remember we are all different in our shape, strength, speed, and energy frequency. And therefore all our ways of adjusting are unique.
2. The subluxation (or a subluxation) will always come back.
Now while you will correct the subluxation in the moment, we must consider how the person got the subluxation in the first place?
As you know subluxations are an adaptation of the body to respond to a stressor. Those stressors as we know are; thoughts, traumas, and toxins.
So where we can adjust someone who presents with a subluxation, if they immediately go back to the world and lifestyle that caused it in the first place, it will always come back? How quickly? Well that depends on how well their body is adapting, this is down to how frequently they are being adjusted.
So you can see this cycle never stops really. Like a desk worker will need to continue to run to keep active to combat their sedentary work, patients and you, need to keep well adjusted to combat the world outside.
And therefore, every time you adjust someone you are helping their body to live with more ease, to be healthier, to better adapt. There is no negative to this.
But by the same token the subluxation will always come back due to lifestyle and the environment of the modern world.
And as such do not expect to ‘cure’ someone, remove the expectations of ‘fixing’ them. Instead know and own that you can help their body live better in this crazy world, but like the need to filter your water everyday, there is a need to be adjusted on a regular basis.
With love,