Check yourself
This week I want to get real with you.
Do you feel happy? Do you feel content? Do you feel free?
Essentially do you feel congruent or is there a lump in your throat? As I have said many times, the key to success in life, as I understand it is one simple concept. And that is congruency, the act of aligning all your actions with your values.
A simple concept but very hard to do, especially in a regulated and judgmental world, however I am of the firm understanding that the world will judge you less for your honesty than for your incongruency. Someone once told me that ‘your success is directly proportional to the number of difficult conversations you are prepared to have’.
Now a difficult conversation does not need to be an argument or even a disagreement, it may simply be you saying your truth with no idea how the other party might take it. And often times as I am sure you know; they won’t bat an eyelid.
So, as we move into a year of unprecedented change, be like Peter, be the rock in the storm, be true to you. When you feel that lump in your throat, speak. When you feel the eyes staring at you, speak. And above all, act with integrity. You deserve it and so does the community you serve.
With love,