Do you find yourself getting caught up?

 Here is a short one for you. Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed and caught up, struggling to see what the next play is or where your focus should be? Only to wallow in self-pity and binge watch Netflix instead… Trust me, I’ve found myself there more than once!

So, what can you do?

Here are 3 simple tips to help you get unstuck and back on track:

1.       Gratitude
Stop now, take out a pen and paper and write 30 things you are grateful for, yes I said thirty. This needs to be a big list of wins, and don’t BS me and say you don’t have that many things. Everyone does, the reason the list is long is to get past the fluffy and start thinking about the real stuff we are truly grateful for.

2.       Move
When I was first learning public speaking and something I now teach everyone I work with. ‘When the body moves, the brain grooves’. When you move you stimulate great thought, so as you are having that battle in your head about sitting on the sofa and forgetting life, go put your shoes on and walk, just move.

3.       Buy a New Journal
Writing is the doing part of thinking, get a fresh journal, ‘a new slate’, and write your list of to-dos and projects, then take the next page and write what ‘needs’ to be done in order of priority and hardest first. Then before you can think again, go to work on task number one.

There you have it, stop making excuses and overcomplicating things, get started now.

With love


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