Ending the year on a high!
Q4 is the separator, it is the quarter where people either coast to their annual goal, accept defeat or slump into party mode.
This is not you; you are reading this because you do more than the average person and aim higher than the average business. Of course, you should be aiming for your annual targets, but I would go further and suggest you are aiming now to surpass them.
However, Q4 I do not feel is about your annual target, it is about setting up the tee for next year, creating the foundations for 2022. Use this quarter to strengthen your business and team so that you hit the ground running BEFORE next year.
So how do we do that?
We create a theme. A theme to end your year on, something that will unite your team, partners, clients, and customers alike. Something that you can all work towards creating, doing, and embodying.
What this will allow is for a strength in purpose, unity, and mission ahead of next year so that when you set those big and scary goals for 2022, you already have a team that is fired up, on board and ready to go.
So, my questions for you to ponder and consider are these:
What is your theme for Q4?
What impact do you want to have?
What core purpose do you want to unite your team around?
How will you remember this quarter?
Do these with urgency and set them into action NOW.
Q4 is already underway, let’s make it exceptional.
Be sure to join me for the annual planning session on the 24th of November.
This is a FREE webinar so bring your friends.
Here we will be building on your themes and foundations from this quarter to make 2022 outstanding!
With love