Learning smart or going through the motions?

Let’s be honest, most of us never finish the book, and when we do we discard it, and quickly move onto the next, or back to Netflix.

And what a waste. These books that we have access to are the things of dreams! Everything you could ever wish to achieve in life and more has all been written down and documented, step by step, so you too can succeed.

Especially in chiropractic, we love personal development. We become junkies to the cause, going on courses and devouring books. But what changes?

We get that feel good hype and our life improves temporarily, but nothing really changes.


Because we are going through the motions.

This is what you need to start doing TODAY if you want that to change. If you truly want to live the life of the heroes you read about, you must adopt these TWO simple habits.

1.      Read for purpose.
Do not just pick a book because someone else said it was good. Don’t simply scroll the personal development isle for your next read.
Take the time to remind yourself of your goals, what are you trying to achieve? And crucially, ask yourself, what skills do I LACK, what do I NEED to help me get there.
Be specific and super niche. Do you need to learn Tax Code, is it Diagnosis, or Marketing. What is your weakness and read purposefully to fill that hole.

2.      Actively read.
You might be just like I was, I used to read 10 pages each night, just to say I had. My eyes drooping and nodding in and out of sleep. Safe to say I retained NOTHING.
Read when you are alert, first thing in the morning I find is best. And take a highlighter and a pen and mark up that book. It is designed to be used. Highlight what is brilliant, write in the margin how you can apply that to your life.
Then once you finish the book, go back through the highlights and notes to see if there is just one thing you can implement to improve your life and business.

Simple actions but seriously effective.

I still remember reading accountancy for dummies. I hated the read but loved the results. Since then, my accountant and I have a stronger relationship and my wallet LOVES it.

With love,


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