What is really important?
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how I want to spend my time, my life, what success I want, and what is it really all for…
So I thought this week I would pose you the same question, you see I think I have the answer to all of it, but I am intrigued as to what you think.
So those dashes between your birth date and your death, what were they all about? Did you fulfil your purpose here on this planet, did you enjoy your time, and will anyone remember you once you’re gone?
Do you remember the Queen? Bet you haven’t thought anything about her in a long time, yet she was the longest reigning monarch of all time, arguably a very prominent person in history, yet there is no second thought. And the reason I say this, is no one really gives a shit about what you do, so why should you? And in saying that I mean, who cares what others think, dream big and do what ever you need to make that happen.
But what really is the purpose of our time here, you see once we are gone, the world will keep turning and your children and their children will inhabit this planet. So how will you leave it?
And here in is the answer to what is it all about.
How will you leave this planet when you go, what legacy will you leave, what impact will you have?
As a chiropractor, you are perfectly placed to do this, more than you may assume. Did I tell you about the Bee?
What is the purpose of the bee? To collect pollen and make honey you may think? Well, that is what they think.
But in the grander scheme of this planet, they are there to cross pollinate and allow our planet the grow. A huge purpose, and without them the world would crumble. But the bee has no idea.
And maybe you don’t know how far reaching what you are doing affects others, sound familiar?
So what is it you want to do? What is it you love and are great at?
What patients do you want to serve and how do you want to adjust them?
Make your choice, plant your flag, and serve with all you’ve got.
The world needs you!
With love,